Kronos Circadian Luminometer and CO2 incubator 

The Kronos is worlds best Light signal incubator.  

 Luciferin oxidation by luciferase cloned into the cell next as a markergene will emit light in presence of lucifering. Like GFP but without external light source.

GFP cannot be used in to the Kronos HT or Kronos Dio. 

There are a lot of different luciferases and they emitt in different wavelenghts light.

6 different luciferases are available from Gentaur in plasmids, lentivectors and paticles. ABM good, Cell Biolabs SBI have the best luciferase trandsducting verctors.

Ask Gentaur for the vector map of these vectors. AAV7 is the best vector for kidney cells. Commomly used is the CMV promotor for deviding cells, tells Vasilyi Abaev from the Gen group. Molecular Biologist from the University of Sofia.

Synchronization of Cellular Clocks in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

  • December 2003
  • Science 302(5649):1408-12



Best Analyser for circadian Rhytm monitoring witg Fluorescein, Luminol, GFP cloned and transfected, transduced cell lines.

Gentaur guaruantee and installation, maintaineance of all Kronos systems

Bioluminometer Kronos Dio and HT 

If we compare Atto to the New Brunswick Galaxy 170 R incubator. The Atto systems has the advantage that is is already an incubator with camera port and anti-mist high NA optics for imaging from one to six 96-well plates.

Since no opening is needed to feed the cells this will light seal the chamber so that it can be used for luminescence in a standard laboratory environment.

Kronos HT stands fro high-throughput collection over time scales that vary from seconds to weeks, without sacrificing the quality of the data collected. 

When we compare the Kronos HT to the Actimetrics LumiCycle, Kronos performs high-throughput luminometry on self-luminous tissues, such as those from transgenic animals containing the luciferase genewithout having to buy an incubator. The incbator is part of the Kronos and will enable you to measure more accurately the emission changes in your cell lines or normal Luminol transduces or transfected cells.

The LumiCycle 32 Color records 32 samples in 35-mm Petri dishes using 4 photomultipliers with colored filters can be placed on 2 of the photomultipliers, so that 16 samples can be recorded simultaneously in 2 different colors. Again the Kronos performs better in this aspect using more photomultiplier tubes.

The Kronos HT is equipped with photon-counting photomultiplier tubes, each selected for low dark counts and high sensitivity in the green portion of the spectrum at which luciferase emits light.